Author: Skrzypiec, Jacob

#StandUp4HumanRightsCT—30 Days & Counting…

“ALL Humans are born Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights”

Article 1 resoundingly confirms all peoples, no matter who they are, are endowed with unalienable rights, and should be treated with dignity, respect and brotherhood. It stands as a bedrock to the entire UDHR, and is widely regarded as pivotal to the cultivation of human rights around the world.

For the next 30 days before our Kickoff Rally on September 8th, the #StandUp4ForHumanRightsCT campaign will be posting one piece of artwork per day, crafted by artist Meredith Stern.

Each piece will represent and celebrate an article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and demonstrate our commitment as the Connecticut community to commemorate UDHR @ 70.

Please follow our Facebook Page or Instagram @cthumanrightspartnership to check out this unique count down to the #StandUp4HumanRightsCT Kickoff!


Credit: Artist Meredith Stern