CHRP WORKSHOP: “RE-IMAGINING EDUCATION: Youth, Educators and Communities In Dialogue
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“Children Are The Future of Human Rights”: CHRP Summit June 2019
CHRP hosted its annual community summit on June 1st 2019. The 2019 theme was "Children Are the Future of Human Rights." This year's focus was to bring youth voices, including high school students and young leaders to the table with adult educators, activists and scholars. The goal of this summit was to collaborate and collectively workshop actionable steps to promote and protect children's rights in our CT communities. The summit was a great success; youth and adult participants walked away with new knowledge and tangible plans/ideas on how to elevate children's rights in their own spaces of work.

AuerFarm Compact Gathering-December 2018
The Auer Farm Compact Gathering brought numerous stakeholders from across CT together to design an outline and framework that sought to guide human rights related community action. The gathering and design sessions aimed to pay homage to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by focusing on the intersected nature of human rights and prioritized responding to the explicitly stated needs of the community. The gathering, taking place around International Human Rights Day in December 2018, was a strategic moment in CHRP's mission, and an important milestone in setting forth our collective vision to advance human rights education and advocacy in Connecticut.
Why Auerfarm?
Auerfarm in Bloomfield, CT has a legacy of connecting the Connecticut community. Beatrice Fox Auerbach, known for her humanitarian work, philanthropy, and business sense, was the driving force behind the farm. Auerfarm was even host to various global dignitaries, including Eleanor Roosevelt. Since its designation as a 4H property, the farm has continued to serve as a space for community building and education.
Stand Up 4 Human Rights CT: A Celebration & Call to Action
On September 8, 2018 on the steps of the State Capitol, the Connecticut Human Rights Partnership and our cosponsors and allies hosted the #StandUp4HumanRights CT, a rally to celebrate the 70th anniversary year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Speakers from across Connecticut shared perspectives on how human rights are being advanced in our communities and outlined the work still to be done. This was a powerful event where allies from across CT came together to reaffirm our commitment to building a culture of human rights here in Connecticut.
Dr. Saud Anwar
Mayor, South Windsor
Kate Farrar
Executive Director, Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund
Chris George
Executive Director, Integrated Refugee and Immigration Services
Tanya Hughes
Executive Director, Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities
Pastor AJ Johnson
Pastor, Urban Hope Refuge Church
Robin McHaelen
Executive Director, True Colors, Inc.
Chris Newell
Director of Education, Akomawt Educational Initiative
Tyler Paige
Manchester High School Class of 2018
Ryan Parker & Justis Lopez
Manchester Open Mic Movement
Pamela Selders
Co-Founder, Moral Monday CT
Chris Sparks & Todd Szwed
Human Rights Teachers, East Hartford High School
Anna Szekeres
Avon High School Class of 2019
Joseline Tlacomulco
Connecticut Students for a Dream
Jenna Westfall
March for Our Lives CT
...and more coming soon!