Day 20

Credit: Meredith Stern

On Day 20 of our countdown to the #StandUp4HumanRightsCT rally, our focus is on Article 12 of the UDHR, which ensures that everyone has the right to privacy and to the protection of the law against attacks on his or her family, home, correspondence, and reputation.

The right to privacy is indirectly referred to in the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (security against unreasonable searches and seizures). However, it does also mention that upon probable cause, one’s place may be searched and belongings may be taken for further inspection. In our social and interconnected world, everyone’s actions are constantly affecting the lives of others in some way, so it is almost impossible to maintain complete privacy and immunity. One’s privacy may be limited for the safety and/or freedom of others under specific conditions, provided that the interference is not arbitrary or unlawful.

In our increasingly technological age, the content we constantly put on the Internet such as photos, communications, purchases, and other intimate aspects of our lives are leaving a digital footprint that companies and governments can track. When these bodies have access to this information, our privacy, security, and equality suffer.

As for the less concrete aspects of the Article, one’s “honour and reputation” is at risk at the hands of degrading language, hurtful actions, or really any human rights transgression. Again, this all boils down to being introspective and respectful and treating each person as a human being.

Let’s can do our bests to respect the identity and freedom of others by respecting this human right!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and repost with #StandUp4HumanRightsCT. We also hope to see on September 8!

Check out for the full blog post and more information on the event.